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Hornsea Bettison's Folly

Tower Lodge, 2 Willows Drive, Hornsea, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU18 1DA

  • 14 Sep 2024
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

Visit Hornsea and see Bettison's Folly. Originally built in the grounds of Newbegin House in 1844, the 55ft-tall tower has delighted and intrigued visitors ever since.

Tucked in a quiet corner of Hornsea, Bettison's Folly still stands proud. One of the curiosities of this part of the town, it is a Grade Il Listed building, which can be found just off Willows Drive. It is an unusual sort of tower; constructed in 'treacle' bricks which have been faultily fired in the local brick kilns. Bettison, who lived in a large house immediately to the north of this site on Newbegin, was a Hull newspaper proprietor in the middle of the 1850's. He was the sort of man who insisted on his dinner being served immediately when he returned home from Hull. He built the tower so that a member of his household could spot his carriage as it descended Southorpe Hill. Presumably his appearance in the near distance threw the household into turmoil and his culinary demands were met. The measure of the man can only be gauged not only from his autocratic behaviour, but also from the report that the builder of the tower was never paid. The tower is now owned by two local business men, who allow the public to ascend the tower on 'Civic Day’ and Heritage Open Days.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 14 September:

Location & directions

Tower Lodge, 2 Willows Drive, Hornsea, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU18 1DA

Once in Willows Drive you can’t miss it!
Contact on day:
John Miller
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Accessibility details

There are steps inside the tower to the top, which those with mobility issues will find difficult. Some patient waiting may be necessary at times to allow those descending the stairs to reach the bottom.

Additional information

Est. tour duration:
0 hour(s) 30 minute(s)

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