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St.George's Church, Mossley

Stamford Street, Mossley, Ashton-under-Lyne, Greater Manchester, OL5 0HT

  • Multiple dates available
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

"The Cathedral of the Pennines", St. George's Church Mossley will be opening its doors again this year for HODs 2024 and we are focusing on Routes - Networks - Connections

The main part of our celebrations this year will be an art competition, with entries from children who attend the various schools in Mossley. Winners will be decided by the public, with every visitor to our open weekend being able to cast their vote. We are also hoping to have expert talks and displays from local artists and history experts, to showcase our beautiful stained-glass windows and the banners which are sometimes carried at Whit Friday events. There will be a QRCode mystery/historical tour to follow on your smartphone around the Church and Churchyard.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 14 September:
Sunday 15 September:

Location & directions

Stamford Street, Mossley, Ashton-under-Lyne, Greater Manchester, OL5 0HT

No carparking, ( except 2 disabled bays ) on site. Parking afailable on the Market Ground on Chapel Street and Market Street.
Contact on day:
Nigel Hossle-Standring
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Accessibility details

Two steps to climb into Church.

Additional information

If wet the Churchyard tours and outdoor QRcode trail will not go ahead for safety reasons.

Check out our online channels

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