Wycliffe Congregational Church
Wycliffe Congregational Church, Wellington Road North, Heaton norris, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK4 1AF
Experience the true size of the interior, the original box pews and how much they would cost to rent. There is a phased programme of restoration work, and we look forward to future possibilities. Only a small portion of the church is currently publically accessible for safety reasons, but these limited guided tours will give you the opportunity to see the rest of the old worship area.
Floors are uneven please wear sensible footwear and clothes you don't mind getting dusty!
Wycliffe Congregational Church, Wellington Road North, Heaton norris, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK4 1AF
Please enter at the A6 main entrance. Accessible lift available, steps are very steep and can be slippy. Please take care and use the lift if you need to - it's fun! Assistance available to operate it if unsure. Contact us in advance if you have any concerns.
Please email if you have any further queries