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Wisbech St Peter and St Paul Church

Wisbech Parish Church of St. Peter & St. Paul, Love Lane, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE13 1HP

  • 14 Sep 2024
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

Climb the tower to the ringing chamber and the bells (roof is not open), have a go at bellringing. Meet the ringers and see the bells in action. Then enjoy afternoon tea in the church.

A fantastic chance to learn about the history of the tower and bells, climb the stairs to the belfry, perhaps have a go at ringing yourself!
Afternoon tea is being served in the church from 1300 to 1600 too.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 14 September:

Location & directions

Wisbech Parish Church of St. Peter & St. Paul, Love Lane, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE13 1HP

Contact on day:
Martin Slough
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Accessibility details

The tower has a circular staircase with a rope banister. The stairs to the ringing chamber are fairly easy for the able bodied, the stairs up to the belfry are only for the physically fit.

Additional information

You will be required to wear supplied ear defenders, as instructed, when climbing up to and whilst in the belfry. Do tell us if you're interested in learning to ring!

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