Wisbech Historic Friends Meeting House
21 North Brink, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE13 1JR
The present Meeting House was designed and built by Algernon Peckover in 1854 but Quakers have been worshiping on this site since 1711. There is a photo of the previous building.
Behind the Meeting House is a grave yard where all the Peckovers who died in Wisbech are buried including the last to die, Alexandrina, in 1948.
There is also the very unusual and unique grave of Jane Stuart, natural child of James II. She spent most of her life living in Wisbech as a Quaker.
There are free leaflets about the building and the Quakers of Wisbech and you can get a book about Jane Stuart for £5
21 North Brink, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE13 1JR
Limited access to grave yard.