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Whalley Methodist Church

Whalley Methodist Church, King Street, Whalley, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 9SN

  • 14 Sep 2024
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

The church will be open for viewing of the famous stained glass windows and objects dating back to the church's foundation. Other art works illustrating Lancashire's heritage will be on display. Family fun activites and refreshments available too

Whalley Methodist is unusual in having three important stained glass windows, each being memorial windows. The largest is a three-light lancet window depicting John and Charles Wesley, dating from about 1880 (see image). This window was paid for by church members as a memorial to former members. Sited opposite each other on the side walls are two single windows, one depicting Saint Francis, the other, the virgin Mary - this is unusual, if not unique, in a Methodist church. They were designed by Veronica Whall, an eminent craftswoman of the 20th century. Leaflets with further details of the church and windows will be available.

A display of paintings by a local artist illustrating the heritage of Lancashire will be displayed, with some drawings and paintings for sale to raise funds for the Church. Local artist John Chapman is also available to give some tuition in sketching.

A special focus this year will be the part played by Whalley Methodist Church during WW1 and WW2.

There will also be an opportunity to see the information displayed last year showing the impact that the building of the railway and Whalley Viaduct had on Methodism in Whalley.

There will be a Family Area in one of the church rooms, with soft play, tabletop toys, a floor Jenga, etc. Teas, coffee, and a light lunch will be available too.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 14 September:
10am - 3pm

Location & directions

Whalley Methodist Church, King Street, Whalley, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 9SN

Contact on day:
Christine Moss
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Additional information

We will be open from 10.00 - 15.00, during which time we will be serving tea and coffee, slices of homemade cakes (£1.50), soup + roll (£3), ham and cheese toasties (£3). Across the main high street the parish church is open, with a focus on the organ. There is also a teddy bear zip-wire from the church tower¬ Just beyond the church is Whalley Abbey, which is hosting 'Whalley day' on the 14th, an occassion when all the various groups and clubs in Whalley have a presence. Lots of activities!

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