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Weylands House

35 Germain Street, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, HP5 1LW

  • 08 Sep 2024
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

Large entrance hall of one of the landmark houses in Chesham's Old Town. The owner will be on hand to describe the long history of the building and its various uses over the centuries, including as the original town workhouse and a school.

Originally Weylands was a timber-framed house built in the seventeenth century and re-fronted in the eighteenth century in chequered red and grey brickwork. Situated in Chesham's enchanting and historic Old Town, the distinctive frontage has three storeys, a tiled gabled roof, sash windows with glazing bars, and cambered relieving arches. It is listed Grade II.

The house is notable in Chesham Old Town as the former parish workhouse. Later it was used as Chesham Grammar School. The current owner will open one of the ground floor rooms which will give visitors a good idea of its use as a parish poor house. Tea and refreshments will also be served by Fairtrade Chesham, and you can enjoy a stroll in the riverside garden.

Timings & Tours

Sunday 08 September:
1100 - 1600

Location & directions

35 Germain Street, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, HP5 1LW

Contact on day:
Kathryn Graves
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Accessibility details

Please note that care should be taken on the cobbled path to the front door.

Additional information

There is ample free parking in the nearby Water Meadow car park, adjacent to Germain Street, just off the roundabout.

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