Wateringbury Rail Ramble
Wateringbury Railway Station, Station Road, Wateringbury, Kent, ME18 5EA
We will walk through meadows and woodland, enjoying views of the Medway Valley and passing through the historic village of Yalding. There will be stories about the development of the railway, hop-picking holidays and local heritage. We will finish at Tea Pot Island, Yalding, about 0.5 mile from Yalding station. Shops, cafes and pubs in the village offer options for anybody wishing to purchase their own refreshments before making their onward journey back to Wateringbury or home by train. Suitable for ages 12+, under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.
Wateringbury Railway Station, Station Road, Wateringbury, Kent, ME18 5EA
Please ensure your footwear is suitable for uneven trail surfaces. Bring clothing suitable for the weather and pack a waterproof and snacks. There are no toilet facilities at either station. Nature’s toilets along the route, aka “a wild wee”. There are public toilets near Teapot Island in Yalding, they are not guaranteed to be open.