Walsingham Methodist Chapel
High Street, Walsingham, Norfolk, NR22 6BY
John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church, visited Walsingham in 1781. Subsequently, construction of a meeting place started in 1793 and this was opened as the present chapel in 1794. It has been used for worship ever since and is the oldest Methodist Chapel in use in the East of England. 2024 is our 230th anniversary year It remains largely as it was originally built, with its imposing pulpit, balcony and original pews gives a fascinating insight into the past and the centuries after the reformation and before the Shrines were built in the 20th century. On display will be various artefacts and explanatory boards etc and a display highlighting the chapel and Methodists in Norfolk over the years. After the close on Sunday, there will be a celebratory Sunday service at 1630 for about 45 mins followed by a tea to which all are invited.
High Street, Walsingham, Norfolk, NR22 6BY
The ground floor of the chapel is now fully accessible. The balcony is only accessible up steep and narrow staircases. A good view can be obtained from the body of the chapel however. Parking may be available in Friday market. If not public car park at other end of the High Street. Short walk down historic streets to chapel.