Veryan Bunker Tours
Kiberick Cove car park, near Pennare Farm, Veryan, Truro, Cornwall, TR2 5PH
Join one of the tours by local expert Lawrence Holmes and the Royal Observer Corps team and hear the stories behind what went on in a nuclear bunker and the neighbouring starfish bunker. The nuclear bunker is the only preserved ROC nuclear bunker in the south west open to the public on a regular basis and the decoy command bunker is the only known preserved one of its type in the UK. Together they make Veryan Bunkers a unique site to visit.
Kiberick Cove car park, near Pennare Farm, Veryan, Truro, Cornwall, TR2 5PH
The footpath up to Nare Head is steep in parts and uneven. Access to the nuclear bunker is via 12 feet deep ladderway shaft.
Nearest toilets at Carne.