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Undercliffe Cemetery: Tales from our Tombs

The Lodge, Undercliffe Cemetery, Undercliffe Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD3 0DW

  • 14 Sep 2024
  • In person

Undercliffe Cemetery, often known as the 'Highgate of the North', is the final resting place of many the great & good (& the not-so-great-and-good) who helped shape Victorian Bradford and whose work and influence can still be seen (or heard) today.

Join knowledgeable researchers and learn more about our 'residents' and the extraordinary things they achieved. How were families linked? How were the rich affected in the same way as the poor? And what happened to those who couldn't afford a 'decent' burial? What can we learn about Bradford's contribution to the nation's heritage from delving into these people's lives?

Undercliffe Cemetery fell into disrepair in the 1970s, was sold to a 'developer', and had to be rescued from destruction by a group of volunteers who formed Undercliffe Cemetery Charity. Forty years on, this amazing cemetery has been restored to glory & the volunteers' hard work was recognised by the late queen in 2022, one of the last QAVS honours she bestowed.

We will be open from 1000 to 1600. and our researchers will be on hand to answer questions and guide you through this wonderful 26-acre hilltop site. There will be pre-bookable formal tours (morning & afternoon) or you can take self-guided tours of various people/themes of interest. There will be activities for children and refreshments will be available all day in our lodge.

We look forward to welcoming you

Timings & Tours

Saturday 14 September:

Location & directions

The Lodge, Undercliffe Cemetery, Undercliffe Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD3 0DW

Parking is available at the Undercliffe Lane entrance (marked on the map) or at Otley Road. A good bus service is in place also.
Contact on day:
Gaynor Haliday
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Booking conditions:

Accessibility details

There are grassed pathways which may be difficult for some people to negotiate and we ask that visitors stick to the designated paths and do not clamber over the monuments. Dogs must be kept on leads for the safety of themselves and other visitors.

Additional information

There will be 2 guided tours which are pre-bookable, but the Cemetery will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and visitors are welcome to follow any of our designated self-guided tours (maps and information will be available). Our dedicated researchers will be on hand to answer questions until 4 p.m.

Max no of people per tour:
Est. tour duration:
1 hour(s) 30 minute(s)

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