Tours of the bell tower in Ledbury
Ledbury Church Tower, Church Lane, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 1DP
You can visit the permanent bellringing exhibition on the ground floor of the tower (open every day, 0900 to 1700) which will introduce you to the history and culture of bellringing in this country and to a number of unusual local stories about ringing. The exhibition will also help you to understand what skills and knowledge lie behind the sound of the bells which is so familiar in our town.
On the afternoon of Sunday 15th September, you can take part in a tour of the tower which will culminate in a visit to the parapet from which you will see spectacular views of Ledbury and the surrounding area.
Ledbury Church Tower, Church Lane, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 1DP
You need to climb 115 steps to reach the parapet of the tower. You can decide to stop and come down again at any level. We rely on you being aware of your own physical limitations in terms of health and stamina!