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Tour of Foxhill House at the Whiteknights campus

Foxhill House, Shinfield Road, Whiteknights, Reading, Berkshire, RG6 6EP

  • 08 Sep 2024
  • In person

Foxhill House is a fine example of mid-Victorian architecture. Designed by Alfred Waterhouse, it is situated on raised ground near the northern corner of the University's Whiteknights campus overlooking the meadows down to the lake.

Following the success of the tours in 2023, Foxhill House is being opened to the public again.

Alfred Waterhouse, renowned for his architecture especially for Foxhill House which he designed for himself, designed other buildings for the Whiteknights estate as well as in Reading town; examples are Erleigh Park House, The Wilderness, the Town Hall and Reading School. After him there were several other well-known owners of Foxhill until the University of Reading acquired the house in 1955 for use as student accommodation. Since 2004 it has been the home of the School of Law. The guided tour by members of The Friends of the University of Reading will enable you to see the hall and some rooms in the house as well as the former stable block, the stylish external design and the garden.

Timings & Tours

Sunday 08 September:
Tours start at 1100 and 1215

Location & directions

Foxhill House, Shinfield Road, Whiteknights, Reading, Berkshire, RG6 6EP

Contact on day:
Dennis Wood
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Booking conditions:

Accessibility details

The tour will include stairs to/from the upper floor of the house. Refreshments and toilets are available on the main Whiteknights campus.

Additional information

Pedestrians can reach Foxhill House from the entrance to Whiteknights at the junction of Upper Redlands Road and Whiteknights Road. The house is signposted from there. Reading Buses Number 19 has bus stops nearby. The nearest car park to the House on the campus free to use at the weekend is Car Park 2, accessed from the entrance in Shinfield Road. Travel along Queen's Drive and turn left at the junction where it will be signposted. Walk from the top of the car park and turn right into Redrow Drive. Walk on to the end where Foxhill stands. The tour is not suitable for children.

Max no of people per tour:
Est. tour duration:
1 hour(s) 0 minute(s)

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