The National Videogame Museum
Castle House, Angel Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S3 8LN
Experience a 'behind the screens' curators talk of our new Made in Sheffield exhibit; highlighting key objects from our local collection and plotting the history of game making in the city. There will also be opportunity to play the Museum for free and take part in object handling that will give you insight into how videogame controllers actually work.
It is anticipated the talk will last for 45 minutes at the beginning of the session. The remainder of the time is available for you to explore our Museum. Our Learning Team will also be available to show you our object handling collection.
Castle House, Angel Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S3 8LN
The NVM has step-free access from Angel street, and is level access throughout. The majority of our games are played seated at table height, we use light cubes for seats which can easily be moved to make any game wheelchair accessible. Unfortunately, this does not apply to our Arcade collection which are in original cabinets. The NVM can be a loud and sensory demanding experience at times. There can be bright screens and flashing lights, please speak to a member on the day if you have any concerns. We have free ear defenders available on request.