The Electric Palace
Electric Palace (Harwich) Ltd, Kings Quay Street, Harwich, Essex, CO12 3ER
During the Heritage Open Days, we will be putting out a 'Call to the Community' and asking people to come and share their stories of the cinema with us. As part of our next National Lottery Heritage Funded (NLHF) project, preserving & digitalising our archives, we would like to record snippets of people telling us their memories of the Electric Palace and Harwich. There will be some displays of photo's and letter's from our archives to view and help with the reminiscing. On September 7th there will be children's Animation Workshop (Booking only) led by film archivist David Cleveland, where the children can learn hands on about the start of early film making. There will also be volunteers on hand to tell you more about the cinemas story- and make you a cuppa!
Electric Palace (Harwich) Ltd, Kings Quay Street, Harwich, Essex, CO12 3ER
On weekends the cinema will be open for it's regular film screenings which you are welcome to book for online or buy a ticket at our box office which opens half an hour before the film screenings. Screening's take place Friday to Monday- for full details and to book, please check out our website,