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The Dovecote at Abbey Farm, Montacute

Abbey Farm, Montacute, Somerset, TA15 6UA

  • Multiple dates available
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

Walk up towards the beautiful ancient monastic priory fields and see the restored Grade II listed dovecote with the unique double nesting boxes.

The Grade II Listed dovecote at Abbey Farm is isolated in a paddock, the site being scheduled as an ancient monument (remains of the Cluniac priory of St Peter and Paul). In 2015 the current custodians of Abbey Farm undertook an exciting restoration project in order to safeguard the future of this fascinating building for future generations. The dovecote will be open to view. There are information boards regarding its history and dovecotes in general inside the traditionally lime washed building.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 07 September:
Sunday 08 September:

Location & directions

Abbey Farm, Montacute, Somerset, TA15 6UA

Access on foot only up the track between The Kings Arms Inn and the church.
Contact on day:
Elizabeth McFarlane
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Accessibility details

Access is on foot only up the Abbey lane between the Kings Arms Inn and St Catherines church.

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