Textile Conservation Studio Tours
Malthouse Barn, The Street, Oulton Street, Norfolk, NR11 6AF
From costume to tapestries, state beds to ornate curtains, the team at the National Trust Textile Conservation Studio care and treat the most significant and complex textile objects in the National Trust's collections.
This chance to look behind the scenes at one of the locations used recently in the BBC's programme 'Hidden Treasures of the National Trust' and have a chat with the conservation team allowing you to gain an insight into the care processes that are undertaken to conserve some of our most precious items.
Malthouse Barn, The Street, Oulton Street, Norfolk, NR11 6AF
No wheelchair access to mezzanine level, however information on upstairs projects will be available for visitors unable to access this area. Ramp to front door. Due to the nature of our work, this tour is not suitable for children under 12.