St Peter & St Paul Church, Teigngrace, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 6QP
The earliest definite record of a church at Teigngrace dates back to 1350. James Templer purchased the Stover estate, of which it was part, in 1765, and his sons repaired it, with the first services in the 'new' church taking place in 1788.
The church will be open from 11am to 3pm, and there will be a talk during that time. All are welcome!
St Peter & St Paul Church, Teigngrace, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 6QP
Please note toilet facilities are in the School Room just a little way from the Church. Disabled parking is preferably to drop off on the grass turning circle in front of the church (the School Room parking is a minute or two away from the church itself). There is one step into the church and one by the gate, hence partial wheelchair access.
Locksbridge Tea Garden is close by, open from 10 am to 2pm on the day. Postcode is also TQ12 6QP.