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Talk on the Rise of John de Codyngton, 14th Century Cleric

The Buttermarket, Middle Gate, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 1AL

  • 06 Sep 2024
  • In person
  • Pre-booking required

John de Codyngton was a 14th Cleric who started his career in Newark. The talk concentrates on his career in the church, his connections to Chancery, Chantry Foundations, links to merchants and his country wide connections.

Given this years HODs themes of routes, networks and connections this talks gives a chance to explore some of the connections and networks established by clergy in Newark and how far they spread.

Timings & Tours

Friday 06 September:

Location & directions

The Buttermarket, Middle Gate, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 1AL

The meeting room is upstairs in the Inspire suite at the Buttermarket
Contact on day:
Anne Coyne
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking required
Booking conditions:
Space is limited to 25 in the meeting room, so please book to avoid dissapointment
Booking contact name:
Anne Coyne
Booking email:
[email protected]

Additional information

Max no of people per tour:
Est. tour duration:
1 hour(s)

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