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Stonegrave Minster Open Day

Stonegrave Minster, Stonegrave, Stone House, York, North Yorkshire, YO62 4ER

  • 07 Sep 2024
  • In person
  • Pre-booking preferred

A opportunity to explore and learn more about the historic Minster in Stonegrave. Guided tours of the Minster will be available (pre-booking required) or you can simply explore the church in your own time. Light refreshments available.

Stonegrave Minster was established in 757AD, probably as an “out-station” for Byland abbey. Monks would have lived in the Minster, looking after the Abbey’s lands and sheep, ministering to the parishioners.
The Minster’s history reflects religious changes that have swept through Yorkshire. Early Normans brought their style in the late 11th century. A pause ensued during and after the uprising of the North. Then French Norman lords replaced the Anglo Saxons. New arches were put into the south of the nave. Anglo-Saxon stone work – including the wheel-head cross you see today - was re-used as stonework in the walls. (The cross was uncovered in 1863 when the Victorians performed their makeover.)
Cycles of decay associated with Plague, Black Death and the toll of the Crusades can all be traced through the Minster’s development in the 13th and 14th centuries. A period of stability when the Thornton family flourished came to an end with the Civil War. The Laudian chancel screen (1637) and associated woodwork is a rare example that escaped the depredations of puritan soldiery.
Following the restoration, the Minster settled into peaceful existence until 1862, when the Victorians got to work. All the external walls and windows date from this time. Look closely, and you can find a design heritage in the Victorian windows that reaches back to the Laudian chancel screen, and forward to the patterns still available in William Morris designs for wallpaper and fabrics on sale today.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 07 September:
1000-1700. Tours: 1300-1600

Location & directions

Stonegrave Minster, Stonegrave, Stone House, York, North Yorkshire, YO62 4ER

Contact on day:
Alasdair Thorpe
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking preferred
Booking conditions:
Visitors are welcome to explore the Minster in their own time (the Minster opens at 1000) or to book a guided tour. Guided tours are available between 1300 and 1600. Booking is not essential, but if you can book in advance, it would help us. Please book by email.
Booking contact name:
Alasdair Thorpe
Booking email:
[email protected]
Booking opens:
30 Jun 2024 08:00 AM
Booking closes:
31 Aug 2024 06:00 PM

Accessibility details

Visitors should be aware that there are no toilet facilities at Stonegrave Minster. Limited parking is available a short walk from the Minster. There is limited space near the Minster for disabled parking - please email the event organiser if you need to access a disabled parking space.

Additional information

Max no of people per tour:
Est. tour duration:
0 hour(s) 40 minute(s)

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