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St Peters Church Marefair

St Peter's Church, Marefair, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN1 1SR

  • Multiple dates available
  • In person

Come and see the church at the centre of Northampton's historic quarter. Next to The Churches Conservation Trust's Old Black Lion pub. Including Ride and Stride, Guided Local heritage walks and a bellringing demonstration!

St Peter's stands in a pretty grass churchyard in Northampton town centre, beside the buried remains of a Saxon palace. This 900-year-old Norman church is filled with glorious carved treasures. Inside, great Norman arches of plain and banded stone rise and flow with zig-zag waves.

They are supported by beautiful carved capitals, each overflowing with foliage, scrollwork, birds and beasts -- look for the man being swallowed by (or emerging from) a monster. These carvings were plastered over in the seventeenth century and were carefully unpicked with a bone knife in the early nineteenth century by local antiquarian Anne Elizabeth Baker, a labour of love lasting 11 years. Other highlights include a handsome brass lectern and carved wooden pews and monuments - including the bust of William Smith, the father of British geology.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 07 September:
10am until 4pm
Sunday 08 September:
2pm until 4pm
Saturday 14 September:
2pm until 4pm
Sunday 15 September:
2pm until 4pm

Location & directions

St Peter's Church, Marefair, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN1 1SR

In easy walking distance of Northampton train station.
Contact on day:
Karen Moore
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Booking conditions:

Accessibility details

This is a historic building with uneven floors and low light conditions

Additional information

Max no of people per tour:
Est. tour duration:
0 hour(s) 30 minute(s)

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