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St Peter's Parish Church, Stockport - History Display and chance to look around

St. Peters Square, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK1 1NZ

  • Multiple dates available
  • In person

Consecrated in 1768 St Peter's Church in St Peter's Square, Stockport, is a tranquil retreat from the busy town centre. Come and have a look around inside, learn about our history from a new display, light a candle or just pause for refreshments.

We are open Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th this year. Take a look inside this atmospheric church, which as an Anglo-Catholic Church of England Place of Worship is home to statues, vestments and processional banners similar to Roman Catholic churches. The original 1769 Whitehurst clock from the clock tower is also located on the ground floor and in full working order.

A new history display will chart St Peter's journey from the 18th Century to the 21st, and include pictures from inside the tower which is inaccessible to the public.

Saturday is the date of our free Organ Concert too so pop along earlier if you like (1000-1300), and listen to guest organists play our church and theatre organs, or piano.
On Sunday we will remain open following 1030 Mass.

Hot and cold drinks available on both dates, and if you're lucky there may still be cake left from the concert!

Timings & Tours

Saturday 14 September:
Sunday 15 September:

Location & directions

St. Peters Square, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK1 1NZ

Car parks nearby, just a few minutes from the train nd bus stations
Contact on day:
Fr Ken or Angela Kenrick
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Booking conditions:

Accessibility details

We have a ramp for access we can put out, but will need advance notice if required. Please get in touch to let us know, or ask a friend to pop in first and request the ramp - on the day is fine.

Check out our online channels

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