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St Martin's Church, Sandford St Martin

Ledwell Road, Sandford St Martin, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, OX7 7AH

  • 14 Sep 2024
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

Historic church, listed Grade II*, with interesting features in rural setting

The Church of St Martin (Grade II*) has a fine rural setting in the centre of the small village of Sandford St Martin. Built of local ironstone, with some limestone dressings and patching, the church dates from the late 12th/early 13th century; the west tower was added and the south aisle widened in the 14th century, and the chancel was rebuilt by GE Street in 1856, although retaining the 14th-century east window, depicting Christ with a chalice. Features include: a 12th-century font; fragments of medieval glass surviving in the east and south windows of the south aisle; a lancet in the north aisle, designed by John Piper, 1973, shows St Martin and the beggar, and commemorates the 700th anniversary of the church's consecration in 1273. The chancel arch is in banded ashlar, with the arms to Elizabeth I, 1602, painted above its east face - an unusal survival. The carved tower screen dates from c1844. The lychgate, designed by GE Street, 1863, is listed Grade II. The church is surrounded by its peaceful churchyard.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 14 September:

Location & directions

Ledwell Road, Sandford St Martin, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, OX7 7AH

Contact on day:
Sara Bristow
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Accessibility details

on-street parking available close to church

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