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St Laurence Church, Upton Slough

St. Laurence Church, Upton Court Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL3 7LS

  • Multiple dates available
  • In person

Church, Grade I listed, Sloughs oldest building. Tours of church/churchyard. Grave of William Herschel, Heritage display, exhibition of famous telescopes. Family graves; links with Ooty, India and lots more. Covers aspects of National Curriculum

St Laurence's Church, Grade I listed, oldest building in Slough. Claims to fame: grave of Sir William Herschel who discovered Uranus and infra-red. Other family graves of interest. Restored painted Chancel arches dating 1180; stain glass windows including Kempe. Links with local poet, Thomas Gray; Dicken's publisher, Hatchett + much more. Astounding Inventions: Herschel model of 40 ft telescope, two new telescopes, including an original made for spotting satellites in 1960s. Brass rubbing. Church and churchyard tours (weather permitting) throughout open times. Many areas of the Church relate to aspects of the National Curriculum: Religion, History, Architecture, Family Genealogy, Astronomy etc. Displays on memorials of church including the Sullivan, Hatchett , Ward and Benjamin Lane families. St Laurence preserves available and small pocket money gifts while stocks last. See website for full updates and further details of other events in 2024.

Timings & Tours

Friday 06 September:
open at other times by appointment during HOD week phone: 07931942019
Sunday 08 September:
Church open with tours 1500-1700
Saturday 14 September:
sorry not open for Ride & Stride this year, stall at Charity Eton Action Fair 1100-1600
Sunday 15 September:
Church open with tours 1500-1700

Location & directions

St. Laurence Church, Upton Court Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL3 7LS

From M4 exit Junction 5 @ Langley. Continue A4 towards Slough. 1 mile to large traffic light crossroads (Fire Station/St Francis Church), turn left onto Upton Court Road. Continue 1 mile to Upton Court Car Park on left, St Laurence Church is 200yds on left at next roundabout. Disabled (Blue Badge) or limited parking available outside church 1 hour Mon - Sat., Sun unlimited
Contact on day:
Allan T.B. James
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Booking conditions:

Accessibility details

Full wheelchair / pram access in church, may not be able to access all areas of churchyard. Sorry, toilet not disabled. Children please remain with adult, in churchyard do not climb on monuments. Other opening times available throughout week ring: 07931942019 or check website: Thank you. Max 15 people per tour/session. indoor/outdoor tours tailored to participants interests, (weather permitting in churchyard)

Additional information

The Chancel & Nave are mediaeval with Victorian South Aisle. The building lends itself to many interests - faith / history / astronomy (burial place of Sir William Herschel) / architecture / links with Ooty in Nilgiri mountains of SW India . Special links with Merton Priory (London). To visit the church is free but donations are much appreciated for upkeep of ancient building. Small gifts and homemade preserves available to buy. Many thanks. NB St Laurence's is open by appointment throughout the year by using the information contact details below or on website:

Max no of people per tour:
Est. tour duration:
0 hour(s) 30 minute(s)

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