St James Parish Church - Laser Ground Imaging Talk
St James Parish Church, School Lane, Husborne Crawley, Bedfordshire, MK43 0UY
Andy Mason is a local history enthusiast with a particular interest in our Pre-History and the Iron-Age. He is giving a presentation on what LiDAR is and what it can reveal within our local landscape. A relatively modern digital tool for the analysis of surface variations, he will explain in this talk what can be discovered in the area around Husborne Crawley and how it relates to our history. From Roman roads to Watermills, all will be revealed using LiDAR images.
This will also be a rare opportunity to visit our beautiful medieval church, including the Elizabethan marble tomb of John Thompson and his wife with their effigies – unusual in a parish church.
St James Parish Church, School Lane, Husborne Crawley, Bedfordshire, MK43 0UY
The church has full wheelchair access, but the churchyard has partial wheelchair access