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St Chad's Church, Far Headingley, Leeds

St Chad's Church, Otley Road, Far Headingley, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS16 5JT

  • Multiple dates available
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

Fascinating Grade II church with interesting building, organ, stained glass windows and grounds

Built in 1868 in the Gothic revival style, there was a major reordering of the Church in 1911 with the extension of the Chancel, addition of the Lady Chapel and Harrison organ. Further extensive reordering of the interior of this Grade II church took place in 2011. The church received a commendation in the Leeds Architects Awards in 2012. The church has been awarded Eco Congregation status. Organ recital on each open day between 2.45 pm and 3.15 pm. Trips up the bell tower - no particular times.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 14 September:
2pm - 4pm
Sunday 15 September:
2pm - 4pm

Location & directions

St Chad's Church, Otley Road, Far Headingley, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS16 5JT

Contact on day:
Alison Gallant
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Accessibility details

Disabled access via main path from gate using driveway to the right hand side

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