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St Bartholomew's Church

Ann Street, Brighton & Hove, East Sussex, BN1 4GP

  • Multiple dates available
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

St Bartholomew, Brighton, is one of the great churches of the 19th century - the cathedral of what used to be called the 'London-Brighton and South Coast Religion' with its incense, ritual, embroidered vestments and lights.

The fabric itself is a masterpiece of brickwork and a credit to its little-known architect, Edmund Scott. The fittings, great baldacchino and silver side altar by Henry Wilson, the font, and the stained glass lancets complement each other and enhance the building. Only Holy Trinity, Sloane Street, in London, compares with it as a monument in richness of fittings belonging to that inventive time of the Art Workers Guild, which immediately succeeded William Morris. In the noise and glitter of cheerful Brighton, this great church is a tall sanctuary of peace. Its interior awes beholders to silence.

Note: The Regency Town House coordinates many HODs events across the city. To see our full listings or obtain information about last minute changes, go to

Timings & Tours

Friday 13 September:
Saturday 14 September:

Location & directions

Ann Street, Brighton & Hove, East Sussex, BN1 4GP

Open to all-comers, 10.00am-4.00pm, Friday 13 and Saturday 14 September. Exhibition of vestments and silver, friendly people available to answer questions about the building, and tea/coffee and cake on offer!
Contact on day:
Mary Nixon
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Accessibility details

One accessible toilet in the church, more loos at the nearby Sainsbury’s! Services on Sunday at 10.30 - please be respectful of the congregation.

Additional information

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