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Southborough Walks: Historic Modest Corner

Holden Pond, Holden Road, Southborough, Kent, TN4 0LP

  • Multiple dates available
  • In person
  • Pre-booking required

Modest Corner is one of Southborough's most historic neighbourhoods. This walk with local historian, Fiona Woodfield, is a chance to find out more about the landscape, buildings and the people who lived, worked or are buried here.

Modest Corner is a neighbourhood dating back to the medieval era. The Southborough Society welcomes everyone to join local historian Fiona Woodfield to find out about the landscape, buildings and people of this Southborough hamlet across the centuries. See evidence of historic features, ancient trackways, vanished waterworks and sewage works. Learn about lost industries and the people who lived and worked there. Hear stories of war horses, farms, mills, a former public house and brewery and even a nearby early nineteenth century railway line which was planned but never constructed. The cemetery, with its chapel still lit by gas, is the final resting place of a number of residents distinguished in times of war and peace. Learn about some of them, including the notable engineer Guy Maunsell, and those buried in war graves.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 14 September:
1400 & 1600 | Fully booked
Sunday 15 September:
1400 | Fully booked

Location & directions

Holden Pond, Holden Road, Southborough, Kent, TN4 0LP

The meeting point is at Holden Corner, on the track opposite Holden Pond which leads to Modest Corner. If coming by car, it may be possible to park with care on Holden Road on the opposite side from the pond. (Parking at Modest Corner is very limited).
Contact on day:
Fiona Woodfield
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking required
Booking conditions:
Please book in advance with the walk leader Fiona Woodfield at [email protected]
Booking contact name:
Fiona Woodfield
Booking email:
[email protected]

Accessibility details

Walkers should be aware that the road sections of the route have no pavement but are usually reasonably quiet. The route has some potential access restrictions. These include a section of packed earth public footpath (between Holden Pond and Modest Corner) and a short gravelled section behind the cottages. If anyone using a wheelchair or pushchair prefers to meet the group at the Modest Corner end of the footpath, please mention this to the walk leader in advance. Assistance dogs are permitted inside the cemetery grounds (but not other dogs please)

Additional information

The route includes two sections of public footpath so please wear sensible footwear

Max no of people per tour:
Est. tour duration:
1 hour(s) 30 minute(s)

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