Slingsby All Saints Church: Ryedale networks and connections. What did the Victorians do for the Street Churches?
Slingsby All Saints, Slingsby, North Yorkshire, YO17 6TN
Join us at Slingsby for the third in our series of mini talks and tours in The Street Benefice, Ryedale. Slingsby All Saints will offer a family-focused series of activities and events as well as an insight into how a better understanding of church history can inform not only understanding but also funding opportunities for church conservation.
Dr Dav Smith will continue to explore how we can analyse and research the archaeological approach to Victorian rebuilding by patrons like the Earls of Carlisle (Castle Howard) and architect Robert J Johnson (Newcastle). Professor Kate Giles (Centre for the Study of Christianity & Culture) will reflect on how this kind of research can inform and inspire major repair and restoration projects, and lead Tower Tours to see the splendour of Slingsby’s Harrison clock – and its Victorian and 20th century graffiti!
Family-focused activities will include more I-SPY church trails, but also an opportunity to discover the story of the Slingsby dragon, dress up as medieval knight, design your own coat of arms and make your own sword.
All of this will be accompanied by free afternoon tea, biscuits, cakes and craft stalls.
Saturday 14th September (but the church will be open all day, as it is every day)
Slingsby All Saints, Slingsby, North Yorkshire, YO17 6TN
Most of our churches can be accessed via a disabled or pushchair ramp, but if you have particular requirements, please contact the organiser Professor Kate Giles ([email protected]). • Adjacent disabled parking • Adjacent accessible toilets
Refreshments and activities are free but donations are welcomed!