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Shoreham Fort HOD Tours

Shoreham Fort, Forthaven, Shoreham Beach, Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex, BN435HY

  • 13 Sep 2024
  • In person

Come and join the volunteers at Shoreham Fort and they will share with you some of the unique and diverse history of this hidden Scheduled Monument, situated at the very eastern end of the shingle spit that used to be known as Bungalow Town.

A local volunteer will take you on a guided tour of Shoreham Fort, bringing to life it's past and sharing it's unique and diverse history. The tour will take you around the gun emplacements where you get the added bonus of view across the Sussex Bay. It will also take you into the last useable First World War Nissen Hut in the country and into our officially registered War Memorial, built in 2020. It will share with you the connections we have with Peter James, Author, Nicholas Lyndhurst, Actor and even the Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclava.

We'll travel into the past, explaining the network of fortifications around the country, show you the present projects and then take you forward into the future.

Timings & Tours

Friday 13 September:
Tours: 1500 & 1830

Location & directions

Shoreham Fort, Forthaven, Shoreham Beach, Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex, BN435HY

Contact on day:
Gary Baines
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Booking conditions:

Accessibility details

Shoreham Fort is privately owned, and the landowners have fenced the site. There are large steps up to the gun emplacements and two small flights of steps down into the South Caponier. Numbers are restricted to this part of the tour so groups will be split. As the site is a Scheduled Monument, we must ask that children are supervised at all times. Climbing on areas of the fort, other than the steps, is not permitted. Uncovered foundations create a small area of uneven ground, but these are very obvious.

Additional information

Food for Fort is our little tea hut (White Beach Hut) which serves hot and cold drinks, snacks, and ice creams (weather permitting) for just £1.00. All proceeds from Food for Fort are invested back into the charity for the maintenance and conservation of the site, as well as enhancing our outreach and education programme.

Max no of people per tour:
Est. tour duration:
1 hour(s) 15 minute(s)

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