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Riding Retro: Poynton to Avro vintage bus ride

Civic Hall, Park Lane, Poynton, Stockport, Cheshire, SK12 1GP

  • 15 Sep 2024
  • In person
  • Pre-booking required

Take the same route displaced miners did after the closure of the Poynton collieries, and journey to their new place of work... the nearby A.V Roe Factory. Because we can, we're doing it in vintage style - on a 1966 Routemaster bus!

In 1935, Poynton's mining industry came to a close. Pits were almost exhausted of coal, resulting in mass redundancy. At this time, while the collieries had declined, the nearby A.V Roe factory had plenty of jobs available. From working underground to the production of aircrafts, we're thinking of Routes, Networks and Connections by considering Poynton's heritage alongside Woodford's, and highlighting their connection with free bus journeys from central Poynton to the Avro Heritage Museum (the site of the A.V Roe factory.) As it's Heritage Open Days and we want a spectacle to celebrate, the bus will be a classic 1966 Routemaster! The Avro Heritage Museum will be offering their regular Heritage Open Days offer of free entry and welcoming our bus full of Poynton residents... just like those newly redundant miners all those years ago. Bus journeys will be prebook only and space is limited, but more information is to come. Get excited! This event is brought to you by Poynton Town Council, with support from Avro Heritage Museum.

Timings & Tours

Sunday 15 September:
Bus runs twice a day to Avro Museum - TBC

Location & directions

Civic Hall, Park Lane, Poynton, Stockport, Cheshire, SK12 1GP

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking required
Booking conditions:
Pre-booking will open closer to the event - please check back for details.

Additional information

The bus will begin in central Poynton (location TBC) and will take visitors to the Avro Heritage Museum in Woodford. This will be prebook only. The bus will then collect visitors with a ticket in the afternoon.

Max no of people per tour:

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