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Ramsgate Society Talk: Where Heritage Harbours have come from and what they could achieve

San Clu Hotel, Victoria Parade, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 8DT

  • 09 Sep 2024
  • In person

A Ramsgate Society Talk

For our first Ramsgate Society talk on the Monday of the week of Heritage Open Day activities we welcome Henry Cleary, Chair of the Maritime Heritage Trust, the national membership organisation for heritage vessels and maritime projects. This timely event celebrates the accreditation of Ramsgate in 2024 as a ‘Heritage Harbour’.

This new accreditation scheme is a joint initiative of the Maritime Heritage Trust, National Historic Ships UK and Historic England.

Heritage Harbours are about a joining up between historic vessels, buildings and the land and water space around them and attracting support from the wider community to help them survive and prosper. Smaller ports are critical for the historic vessel fleet and there is increasing support for the amenity and health benefits they can offer. From 7th September 2024 there will be 14 Heritage Harbours and Heritage Inland Ports nationally, supported by National Historic Ships UK, Historic England and the Maritime Heritage Trust (which currently hosts the national meetings). For the future the challenge is to grow and strengthen this network through joint promotion, lobbying and co-operation.

Come along to the San Clu Hotel on September 9th to hear more about the scheme and what it could mean for Ramsgate. Doors open at 6:30 with talk and questions between 7pm and 8pm. Open to all and free of charge, although free, we are requiring you to book so we can control numbers.

Timings & Tours

Monday 09 September:

Location & directions

San Clu Hotel, Victoria Parade, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 8DT

Parking is available along the sea front and in surrounding streets. Step free access to main entrance of hotel and within the ground floor.

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Booking conditions:

Additional information

Est. tour duration:
1 hour(s) 30 minute(s)

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