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Peckover House

Peckover House, North Brink, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE13 1JR

  • 14 Sep 2024
  • In person

Peckover House will be opening it's doors free of charge as part of Heritage Open Day on 14th September. This year there will be a special focus on behind the scenes access to areas that haven't been open before.

Peckover House: An elegant Georgian merchant's house on the North Brink of the River Nene, built in 1722, and noted for its fine plaster and wood rococo interior. Rooms are open on 3 floors of the house, including the below-stairs service rooms and a museum room with displays on the Quaker banking family who lived in the house.

The two acre garden is regarded as one of the finest walled town gardens in the country, and offers rare trees, summerhouses, two pool gardens, over 70 species of roses and a croquet lawn. There are also glasshouses, including an Orangery with 300 year old orange trees.

Wainman House: For the first time you can explore the Georgian property Wainmain House, named by the surgeon who resided there with his family. You can also explore the the stables of Wainman, which still appears as it did in use, as well the as upper floors. Wainman House and upper floors of the stables have been converted into holiday cottages, but are open as part of Heritage Open Day for the first time.

Entry to Peckover House and Wainman House will be free on Saturday 14th September only, from 1100 to 15.30 (last admission 15.10). On all other days the cost of entry to non National Trust members will be as normal.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 14 September:
Garden - 1030-1530, close at 1600 House - 1100-1430 last admission, close at 1500

Location & directions

Peckover House, North Brink, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE13 1JR

Contact on day:
Polly Mallett
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Booking conditions:

Accessibility details

The most accessible entrance has steps and a door permanently held open. This entrance is within the Visitor Reception. There are 3 floors once inside. Other floors can be accessed via: stairs.

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