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Music: Waites of Gloucester

St Mary de Crypt Church, Southgate Street, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL1 1TP

  • 13 Sep 2024
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

A band of musicians playing 16th and 17th century music.

The Waites of Gloucester came into existence in the later Elizabethan period, and were still extant until at least the end of James II's reign. Their four modern counterparts play music of the Elizabethan and Stuart eras on reproduction instruments of the period, such as shawms, curtals, and recorders.

Timings & Tours

Friday 13 September:
11.00 (for 30-45 minutes)

Location & directions

St Mary de Crypt Church, Southgate Street, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL1 1TP

Contact on day:
Debbie Vass
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

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