Make A Beeline For...
Flintham Museum, Inholms Road, Flintham, Nottinghamshire, NG23 5LF
Weather and climate change are currently hot topics, affecting us all. Shopkeepers have always been aware of the weather because it affected their stock, especially before fridges and freezers. Flintham's shopkeepers kept daily notes of the local weather from 1911 to the 1960s so that they could spot trends and plan their purchases from month to month. They made mistakes which is why the Flintham Museum is able to create different shop window displays using unsold shop stock and advertising material. This year, our theme is weather and climate change. One shop window takes visitors from Spring to Winter while another looks at beekeeping and the ways that previous generations unwittingly affected today's local environment. There is plenty to see, to discuss and to disagree about!
Flintham Museum, Inholms Road, Flintham, Nottinghamshire, NG23 5LF
On-street parking opposite the museum. Parents collect children from the school opposite so there is limited parking from 3pm - 3.30pm
We aim to provide coffee and cake, especially at the weekend openings