Last Orders Please! Lost Beer Houses of Brunswick Street West, Hove
Dudley Mansions, Lansdowne Place, Brighton & Hove, East Sussex, BN3 1HG
Developed in the 1830’s and 1840’s to service the grand development of Brunswick Town this small street, by 1870, had three drinking establishments; the Star of Brunswick, the Denmark Tavern and the Station Inn; now the Bow Street Runner.
Drawing from recent research learn about the 19th century licencing laws which influenced the development of beer houses throughout Brighton and Hove and hear stories of the people living, working and using these establishments in Brunswick Street West.
Note: The Regency Town House coordinates many HODs events across the city. To see our full listings or obtain information about last minute changes, go to
Dudley Mansions, Lansdowne Place, Brighton & Hove, East Sussex, BN3 1HG
Wheelchair users please note that some of the surfaces are rutted and some parts of walk use the roadway.
For updates on this event and any last minute changes, see: