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Lancashire Conservation Studios & Museum Collections

Lancashire Conservation Studios, St Mary's Church, St Mary's Street, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 5LN

  • Multiple dates available
  • In person

Behind the scenes at the museum- Meet the curators & conservators who look after Lancashire's heritage. 11th Sept-Bring your objects for identification, see objects from our reserve collections 15th Sept -Tours by the conservators of their studios.

1. Meet the Curator- 11th September 15.30 – 19.30
Bring items for our curators to identify or get advice about after your heirlooms from a conservator.
Linking to this years theme we will be taking out posters and certificates of local groups such as The Oddfellows Society or
Order of Buffalo.
And using old maps see what Deepdale looked like 150 years ago. Learn about some new additions to our collections and hear about Lancashire in 50 Objects our projects to get our collections into display in Lancashire Libraries .
This late afternoon and evening event allows you an opportunity to see items from our reserve collections and speak to the museum specialists.

2.Behind the Scenes at the Conservation Studios- 15th September 10.30 – 15:30
An opportunity to see inside the old, converted church on St Mary's Street. This building was transformed into modern conservation studios caring for historic artefacts- its Lancashire's own Repair Shop'. Learn about the churches architectural links with Northern Italy. The tours will be led by a conservator and linking to this year's theme of routes and connections learn about the churches architectural links with Northern Italy and see paintings and objects undergoing conservation. The tour takes about 45 minutes. There is also the opportunity to wander through the grounds and graveyard with its War Memorial and great Cedar of Lebanon Tree. Plant and bird ID sheets will be available for families to use.

Timings & Tours

Wednesday 11 September:
15.30 - 19.30
Sunday 15 September:
10.30 - 15.30

Location & directions

Lancashire Conservation Studios, St Mary's Church, St Mary's Street, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 5LN

By Car- Unfortunately access from New Hall Lane is closed at present, From the M6 junction 31- Travel into Preston down New Hall Lane and turn right at the T junction onto the A6. Either turn right across the traffic into the Museum Of Lancashire site and follow the pink signs or turn right at the traffic lights into Ribbleton Lane. Turn right immediately after Preston Prison into St Mary's Street and the Conservation Studios is half way along the street on the right. Parking is through the black gates.. By Bus / foot - Walk down Church Street passed the Parish Church toward ringway. Cross the road and enter the site via the Museum of Lancashire entrance off London road and adjacent to the Victorian entrance to Preston prison. There will be pink Heritage Open Day Bunting at both entrances
Contact on day:
Heather C Davis
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Booking conditions:

Accessibility details

The paths around the church are a mix of tarmac & gravel so may not all be suitable for wheelchair access. The hearing loop is limited to certain areas of the site but those leading the tours are experienced in public speaking.

Additional information

This year we are celebrating 50 years of Lancashire County Museum Service and we are choosing 50 objects from the collections to represent aspects of Lancashire history, heritage and character. These objects are going on display in libraries and museums across the county. Help us chose those some of these items by telling us what object or theme you would pick to represent the county.

Max no of people per tour:
Est. tour duration:
0 hour(s) 45 minute(s)

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