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Jumbo Water Tower

Balkerne Gardens, Colchester, Essex, CO1 1PT

  • 07 Sep 2024
  • In person

This is a rare opportunity to climb the largest water tower in England with amazing views from the top over Colchester city centre and beyond.

Colchester's famous water tower was constructed in 1882-3 by Charles Clegg, the Borough Surveyor and Engineer. It was nicknamed Jumbo after the elephant sold by London Zoo to Barnum's Circus in 1882. This was originally a term of abuse but the name has stuck and there is even an elephant on the weather vane at the top of the building.

The design of Jumbo was inspired by Colchester's Roman past, especially the nearby Balkerne Gate. It was built by Everett & Sons, builders, of Hythe Hill, Colchester and cost a huge £11,138. The tank was supplied by AG Mumford from their iron foundry at Culver Street, Colchester and is constructed using a similar method to that found in iron hulled ships. The water tower is 131ft 5ins (40.05m) tall and was built using 1,200,000 locally produced bricks. The tank could hold 230,000 gallons of water, which weighed 1,000 tons.

The opening ceremony took place on 27 September 1883 amid political rows about the costs of building Jumbo. The structure was operational the following year. Jumbo remained in use until 1984 when it was decommissioned by Anglian Water. A succession of private owners then proposed schemes for its use until in 2021 it was leased to North Essex Heritage.

The guided tours will take visitors up to the Engineer's Room below the water tank, into the empty tank itself and finish in the small 'lantern' room at the top of the tower.

Tour guides will provide information about the history of Jumbo and the plans for its future.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 07 September:
Tours at 1000, 1100, 1300 & 1400

Location & directions

Balkerne Gardens, Colchester, Essex, CO1 1PT

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Booking conditions:

Accessibility details

Current access to Jumbo’s Engineers’ Room and the water tank is via a single, very steep spiral staircase with 157 steps. Please note there are strict health and safety rules in place which restrict who can be admitted. Everyone must wear suitable footwear (no open-toed sandals or high heels) and gloves are recommended as the staircase has a rope hand rail.

Additional information

Please study the full rules before booking and be aware that you are responsible for your own safety and the safety of children in your care. Colchester Jumbo Limited, as the owner of Jumbo, and Colchester and North East Essex Building Preservation Trust (North Essex Heritage), as the Lessee, together with the Trustees and any supporting volunteers, cannot accept any liability for any loss or damage to person or property as a result of your presence at Jumbo, or any aspect of your visit to it, including in particular as a result of any slips or falls while climbing or descending the stairs.

Max no of people per tour:
Est. tour duration:
1 hour(s) 0 minute(s)

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