John Innes Centre: Let's Talk About Scent
Colney Lane, Colney, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7UH
It’s time to talk about the birds and the bees… Plants have been playing the attraction game with them for millennia, altering sights, shapes and – the topic of this talk – smells. How do flowers produce different aromas and how do these adaptations change over evolutionary time? How do pollinators tell what’s right under their noses? An illustrated talk by scientist Mikhaela Neequaye and tour of our rare botanical books. An opportunity to see flower illustrations dating back to the 17th century. Allow up to 2 hours. Event not suitable for children under 11.
Colney Lane, Colney, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7UH
There are 22 steps to climb to reach the Rare Books Room.
Wear warm clothing as the Rare Books Room is kept cool for book conservation. Talk starts at 10.00; allow up to 2 hours for the event. Use main John Innes Centre entrance. Parking is free but visitors must register car number plates with John Innes Centre Reception on arrival. Visitors will be collected from John Innes Centre Reception.