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Holy Trinity Church, Bradwell - Braintree

Church Road, Bradwell, Braintree, Essex, CM77 8EP

  • Multiple dates available
  • In person

Discover a small church with its unique atmosphere. Open 14th and 15th September between 1000 and 1700.

Our open Church coincides with Friends of Essex Churches Ride and Stride on the 14th September 1000-1700. Come and visit the church over Heritage Open Days, when the church is open not only on the 14th, but also the 15th September 1000-1700.

Copies of Church Guides are available at the church. On your visit, appreciate the heritage of the church: Wall paintings, memorials to key families of the Bradwell village and more.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 14 September:
Sunday 15 September:

Location & directions

Church Road, Bradwell, Braintree, Essex, CM77 8EP

Turn off the A120 at the junction with the Waduds Fusion Eatery. Follow road through the village. Continue on the same road and the church will be situated on the left hand side.
Contact on day:
Patricia Bash
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Booking conditions:

Accessibility details

Parking for vehicles along adjacent access lane which must not be obstructed for residents to properties. Difficult access for wheelchair users and pushchairs with steps into the porch and church.

Additional information

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