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Eye Castle Suffolk

1 Castle Hill, Eye, Suffolk, IP23 7AP

  • Multiple dates available
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

Eye Castle Suffolk is one of the few motte-and-bailey castles from the early Norman period. Built shortly after the Norman conquest of England in 1066, the castle was 'sacked' and largely destroyed in 1265. This is also the site of the Eye beacon.

A famous legend indicates that the remains of Queen Boudica or the Dragon Queen as she was known are buried in the soil underneath the Castle Hill Estate which in 68AD was the highest point in North Suffolk.

The motte is the high defensive mound with a keep on the top whilst the ‘bailey’ is the level area in front of the mound. Today, the ruins of a 19th century folly are situated on the summit of the motte and can be accessed by a flight of stone steps for spectacular views of the town and surrounding countryside. The original line of the ‘bailey’ can still be seen as the line of buildings following the streets around the castle. Sections of the curtain wall are all that remains of the 12th century castle that once dominated the site and information boards provide a more in-depth look at its history.
Self-guided walks will be available.

Timings & Tours

Friday 06 September:
Saturday 07 September:
Sunday 08 September:
Monday 09 September:
Tuesday 10 September:
Wednesday 11 September:
Thursday 12 September:
Friday 13 September:
Saturday 14 September:
Sunday 15 September:

Location & directions

1 Castle Hill, Eye, Suffolk, IP23 7AP

Contact on day:
Andrew Evitt
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Accessibility details

The castle is on an uneven site and access is limited. There are 90 steps with a gentle rise to the top vantage point. The lower level is uneven laid to grass with picnic tables.

Additional information

Just a short distance from the towns two FREE car parks in Cross Street and Buckshorn Lane walk along Church Street the Castle is within easy walking distance of the Town Hall and Eye Church both of which are part of this years Heritage Open Days trail around the town.

Est. tour duration:
1 hour(s)

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