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Dukinfield Old Chapel (Unitarian)

Old Chapel (Unitarian), Chapel Hill, Old Road, Dukinfield, Greater Manchester, SK16 4EN

  • Multiple dates available
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

See our imposing neo-Gothic Grade II* listed chapel with its impressive stained glass, unusual cantilever pulpit door, crypt with a mysterious well and fascinating graveyard. The chapel is part of the local Beatrix Potter Trail.

Built on the foundations of a smaller 1707 chapel the present building opened in 1840. Old Chapel has been described by Pevsner as 'the best building in Dukinfield' and has many outstanding features including a Grade 11* Alexander Young organ. Visitors can explore the chapel using a printed heritage guide and the more adventurous can visit the loft with views high above Tameside or descend into the crypt (weather permitting) accompanied by a human Heritage Guide to see the well and local family vaults. Along with Gorse Hall and other local non-conformist chapels and churches Old Chapel is part of the Beatrix Potter Trail honouring the memory of the children's author and environmentalist. Her mother's parents, John and Jane Leech and her grandparents are buried in the graveyard and have a large grey marble grave to their memory. Inside the chapel on a wall plaque is the quotation which became a family joke about dogs and fleas. Other features include memorials to the Dukinfield and Armitage families, two large embroidered Sunday School banners one of which is 100 years old this year, silver communion cups and platters.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 07 September:
Sunday 08 September:

Location & directions

Old Chapel (Unitarian), Chapel Hill, Old Road, Dukinfield, Greater Manchester, SK16 4EN

On the B6170 where Crescent Rd. Foundry St. and Town Lane meet. On top of the hill opposite the town war memorial and next to the Astley Arms public house. The chapel has a small green with large trees in front of it.
Contact on day:
Dawn Buckle
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Accessibility details

The chapel gallery is inaccessible for wheelchairs and only accessible for others if accompanied by a Heritage Guide. Access to the loft and crypt is by narrow ladders. The main pathway around the graveyard is only partially accessible to wheelchairs. The flat gravestones become slippery after rain.

Additional information

Access to the loft and crypt is limited. Visitors accessing the balcony must be accompanied by a Heritage Guide. The graveyard is rough and bumpy in places.

Max no of people per tour:
Est. tour duration:
1 hour(s)

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