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Coastguard Cottage

6 Coastguard Cottages, Cuckmere Haven, Seaford, East Sussex, BN25 4AR

  • Multiple dates available
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

Come and have a look inside one of the most famous cottages in England, meet a descendant of the last Coastguard, and see artwork inspired by this very special place.

Perched on the clifftop with the magnificent Seven Sisters as the backdrop, this is one of the most photographed buildings in the country. The Coastguard Station has a rich history, come along and soak up the views, and help raise awareness to safeguard its future.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 07 September:
Sunday 08 September:
Saturday 14 September:
Sunday 15 September:

Location & directions

6 Coastguard Cottages, Cuckmere Haven, Seaford, East Sussex, BN25 4AR

Nearest carpark is South Hill Barn, at the end of Chyngton Way, Seaford. The cottage is then a 15min walk down hill, encompassing spectacular views.
Contact on day:
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Accessibility details

The cottage is accessible only by foot, the ground is uneven and there are steps into the house.

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