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Castle Green Bowling Club

Castle Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 1BT

  • 14 Sep 2024
  • In person

*Please note that this event has been cancelled* Lawn Bowls has been played at Castle Green Bowling Club for the past 100 years with our club celebrating its centenary last year. You couldn't spend a better day learning to bowl on the green, under the sun, with the band playing in the background.

*Please note that this event has been cancelled*

Castle Green is situated in the castle grounds behind the band stand.
Each year we have opened the green up to the public to 'have a go' at bowling.
During the summer months, there is a hive of activity in the castle grounds with families and children playing, the orchestra band playing from the bandstand, with a lovely atmosphere.
We offer children and adults a chance to have a go at bowls. We will put on bowling targets as well as public practicing 'ends'. We will have bowlers helping at the event. All we ask is flat soled shoes.
We have a first aider on site and defibrillator. We do not have toilets (public toilets are not too far) but we will provide all the bowling equipment. We will not be providing food, however, food vendors are outside the castle grounds.
Pictures of the green from 100 years ago will be displayed around the green.
It was suggested the bowlers dress in Victorian bowling clothing but this may not happen.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 14 September:
1100-1500 | Cancelled

Location & directions

Castle Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 1BT

Castle Green Bowling Green can be found in the castle grounds. Walk through the castle grounds gate next to the March Hare pub and you will find the green directly in front of you behind the war memorial. On the what three words app, please put in: joins.couple.public
Contact on day:
Nicky Secrett
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Booking conditions:

Accessibility details

If visitors wanted to sit up on the green by the bandstand, it is a very steep hill.

Additional information

First Aider and defibrillator on site. Soft soled shoes.

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