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Captain's Garden, Deal Castle

Opposite Deal Castle, Victoria Road, Deal, Kent, CT14 7BA

  • 08 Sep 2024
  • In person

Historically this was an ornamental and a kitchen garden for the Captain of Deal Castle, a very prestigious post in its time. For years neglected, it is now being brought back into use.

Members of Deal Hop Farms will be on hand to tell you about their work and English Heritage volunteers will be there to explain the history of the site.

The land behind the buildings was created as a garden about 1733 for Admiral John Norris, who was then Captain of Deal Castle. The garden remained in use and was converted to wartime allotments, before being let as a market garden until the early 1980s.

Timings & Tours

Sunday 08 September:
10:00 - 14:00

Location & directions

Opposite Deal Castle, Victoria Road, Deal, Kent, CT14 7BA

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Booking conditions:

Accessibility details

Parts of the garden are uneven.

Additional information

Parking, including disabled visitor parking, is available in the large car park next to the castle. Parking is free for English Heritage members when displaying a valid membership sticker and accompanying member's ticket from the Pay and Display machine. Parking charges apply to non-members. Please read the parking signage on arrival, and follow the instructions. Maximum stay of three hours for all users of the car park.

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