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Blazing Saddles FREE outdoor performance - Newhaven

Newhaven Skatepark & Pumptrack, Newhaven, East Sussex, BN9 9DL

  • 08 Sep 2024
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

A joyful, outdoor performance celebrating the impact of bicycles on women and fashion from the 1890s. A wry look at pink, evolving cultural taboos, women and bikes. Presented as part of Newhaven Festival and Sussex Blazing Saddles

Blazing Saddles is a visually stunning & joyful outdoor dance performance, created with local women, girls & their bicycles & a professional cast of performers. It celebrates a little-known moment of history when women remade their clothes to be able to ride bicycles, driving the suffrage movement & transforming society.

The show is a visual narrative, using movement, character & humour, clowning, costume & cake, to tell the story of a group of women caught up in the excitement & possibility of travel, freedom & independence.

The performance takes place in locations along a short route, starting at Newhaven Skatepark and Pumptrack at 2.30 & following the river to finish at The Sidings at 4.30pm.

Walk, cycle, scoot or skate along with the show & bring a picnic to enjoy during a 30 min break in the show.

Blazing Saddles is presented as part of a wider heritage project exploring the impact of the bicycle on women across Sussex from the 1890s to 1928, Sussex Blazing Saddles led by KP Projects CIC.

Sussex Blazing Saddles is supported by National Lottery Heritage Fund, Creative Newhaven and local partners, working with archives, community groups, local museums and volunteers to find forgotten stories about pioneering women cyclists.

The project culminates in September with a programme of performances, workshops, pop up displays, talks, rides, cycle training & maintenance in Newhaven and Brighton.

More information:

Timings & Tours

Sunday 08 September:

Location & directions

Newhaven Skatepark & Pumptrack, Newhaven, East Sussex, BN9 9DL

Contact on day:
[email protected]

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Accessibility details

As outside performance depends on weather conditions.

Additional information

Bring a picnic for a picnic break in the middle of the show & wear blues, turquoises or pink!

Est. tour duration:
2 hour(s)

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