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Binchester Roman Fort

Binchester Roman Fort, Stobbs Hill Lane, Near Bishop Auckland, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, DL14 8DJ

  • Multiple dates available
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

Visitors can see the remains of the commanding officer's house of the fourth century fort, including the impressive bath building, which contains one of the best preserved examples of a hypocaust (underfloor heating system) in the whole of Britain.

The late Roman bath-house at the centre of the fort has recently been endowed with updated interpretation panels featuring reconstruction images to give the visitor a far better understanding of what the building looked like originally. Visitors can also see part of the exceptionally well-preserved regimental bath-building outside the fort, with its walls still standing to a height of 7 feet above Roman floor level. The site also features a new reception building offering greater space for publications, souvenirs and a range of ice-creams.

Entry is free during the Heritage Open Days period. Self-guided tour with an introduction by site staff.

Timings & Tours

Friday 06 September:
1000–1630, last entry 1600
Saturday 07 September:
1000–1630, last entry 1600
Sunday 08 September:
1000–1630, last entry 1600
Monday 09 September:
1000–1630, last entry 1600
Tuesday 10 September:
1000–1630, last entry 16.00
Wednesday 11 September:
1000–1630, last entry 16.00
Thursday 12 September:
1000–1630, last entry 1600
Friday 13 September:
1000–1630, last entry 1600
Saturday 14 September:
1000–1630, last entry 1600
Sunday 15 September:
1000–1630, last entry 1600

Location & directions

Binchester Roman Fort, Stobbs Hill Lane, Near Bishop Auckland, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, DL14 8DJ

Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Additional information

Pre-booking only required for large groups. Telephone the fort on 01388 663089 or email [email protected]

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