Benson - routes and connections
St Helen's Church, Church Road, Benson, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 6SF
Find out about Benson's past as a coaching stage post and its associated inns and trades.
Displays and exhibitions about local routes and connections - old maps, slides and photos and village models.
People who lived in Benson and their wider connections - from travel on the Thames to RAF.
Veteran bicycles on display.
Tours of the Commonwealth War Graves (booking required) and a trail round the church and churchyard.
Bell ringing demonstrations and tours of the bell tower.
Activities for children and families
St Helen's Church, Church Road, Benson, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 6SF
Level access route to hall and church. Some steps to certain areas of the church
Church Road is likely to be busy due to nearby road works and closure. Please park in St Helen's Avenue.