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Austin Village Tour

Northfield Conservative Club, The Mill Walk, Northfield, Birmingham, West Midlands, B31 4HL

  • 14 Sep 2024
  • In person
  • Pre-booking required

Join us for a guided walk through the Austin Village, a model village built by Herbert Austin.

Join a tour of this model village built by Herbert Austin for munitions workers in the First World War. Less well known than nearby Bourneville village, these Canadian cedar wooden bungalows are unique with a fascinating history.

Join a leisurely 1.5 hour stroll and hear from our guide, and local resident, about the history of this estate, which includes 200 prefabricated cedar wood bungalows, shipped from The Aladdin Timber company, of Bay City, USA in 1917 and erected in a very short time. You will hear about its development after the war, the survival of this temporary housing solution for over 100 years and the gaining of conservation status in the 1990s. There will also be an opportunity to see a detailed scale model of one of the bungalows.

The walk starts at the Conservative Club where there is parking. The path into the village is steep and the paving around the village is uneven. There are no public toilets on the route and there is no seating around the village. Dogs on lead welcome.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 14 September:
1030-1200 & 1430-1600

Location & directions

Northfield Conservative Club, The Mill Walk, Northfield, Birmingham, West Midlands, B31 4HL

How to get there - By train use cross city line to either to Northfield or Longbridge station, a walk of 10-15 mins to meeting place. By Bus number 47 to Turves Green Moorpark road stop, walk 10mins via Oak Walk to meeting place. Bus 63 Bristol road to Hawkesley Mill Lane, walk 10-15 mins down Hawkesley Mill lane across river to meeting place.
Contact on day:
Hazel Griffiths
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking required
Booking conditions:
Booking via Eventbrite.
Booking website:
Booking opens:
03 Aug 2024 05:00 PM

Accessibility details

The walk is accessible with the help of an assistant. The path into the village is steep and the paving around the village is uneven. There are no public toilets on the route and there is no seating around the village.

Additional information

This is a tour for a limited number of people. If you find you can no longer attend the walk, please cancel your ticket on Eventbrite so we can give your place to someone else.

Max no of people per tour:
Est. tour duration:
1 hour(s) 30 minute(s)

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