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Anglo-Saxon Jarrow's Travel Journal

The Museum, Church Bank, Jarrow, Tyne & Wear, NE32 3DY

  • 15 Sep 2024
  • In person

Told using a giant floor map to literally walk across Europe to the different locations mentioned, use your travel journal to find the stories that connect these places to Anglo-Saxon Jarrow at our living museum and farm. Free glass-making workshops!

Jarrow Hall: Anglo-Saxon Farm, Village & Bede Museum tells the story of Benedict Biscop's travels across Europe and the beautiful continental-style monastery he built on his return where our collection comes from. Use our giant floor map to follow his route across Europe gathering inspiration. Why not make a postcard of your favourite places you want to visit?

Under it's most famous resident the Venerable Bede, Jarrow Monastery produced three copies of the illuminated manuscript Codex Amiatinus - one of the best-preserved early manuscripts of the bible. In 716 Abbot Ceolfrith set off to Rome with one of these copies but never made it. What happened to the book? How was the Anglo-Saxon version of Tippex used to steal the credit? Why not have a look at the HUGE facsimile in the museum then use our floor map to follow in its footsteps? Why not have a go at learning Anglo-Saxon-style calligraphy yourself?

Our Anglo-Saxon farm aims to bring history to life, surrounding visitors with animals that looks the most similar to their Anglo-Saxon cousins. To do this we scoured the rare breeds of Europe - find out where we found each breed!

Jarrow Monastery was rare for its time being built of stone and coloured glass - so why not have a go at glass making in our free workshops?

How do we decide what stories to tell? Hear about how historians argue over where a sculpture came from, and how we've made the dress shown!

Meet reenactors, try heritage skills, kids crafts and more!

Timings & Tours

Sunday 15 September:
We are Open 10am - 4pm and the activities will be throughout the day.

Location & directions

The Museum, Church Bank, Jarrow, Tyne & Wear, NE32 3DY

The site was formerly known as Bede’s World and some local signage still shows this name. We are next to Drewitts Park, the River Don and St. Paul’s Church. We are very close to both Tyne Tunnels (Road and pedestrian/cycle tunnels). Go North East bus number 27, The Crusader, runs from Newcastle City Centre to South Shields passing through many connecting transport hubs. The bus stops are very close to the main entrance, ask for Jarrow Hall / St. Pauls. Full information on the service is available here. The best Metro Station to use is Jarrow. From there, we are about a 10 minute walk. (Bede Metro Station is also available but involves finding your way through an industrial estate and crossing over a very busy main road). We are on the South Shields to St. James’ line on the metro. National Cycle Network Route 14 known as the Keelman's Way.
Contact on day:
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Booking conditions:

Accessibility details

Yes. Some areas of the farm and village have soft or uneven ground but the majority is fully accessible. We are making constant improvements to the site to be as inclusive as possible.

Additional information

We are running self-led activities and Glass-Making workshops relating to the HOD from Thursday 5th - Sunday 15th of September but entry is only free on Sunday 15th.

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